02 Apr Variety Is the Spice of Life! by Kathy Cobb
One of the things that I love most about bringing women together is the energy that they bring to a room. Women are fascinating, fun, opinionated, quiet, talkative, emotional, intelligent, and loveable. With all that personality in one place, you are bound to have a stimulating conversation and experience the unexpected! With personality styles and a broad range of interests, you could be entertained for hours.
What I find fascinating about women is we are extremely complicated and yet when we begin to understand one another’s likes, dislikes, mix them with genuine respect we enjoy each other’s company. I do believe that this is one quality that makes women so special. Even with our differences, we can develop meaningful friendships that complement our personalities.
I believe one of the most important things in meeting people is not to write the person off the first time you meet them. Too many times we make a spot judgment concerning a person. When we do, we are doing a disservice to ourselves and the other person. We need to give a person a chance. At least take the time to listen and ask questions. You may find her stories, insight, and interest might line up with what you are looking for in a friendship.
Expanding your friendship based teaches you to think out-of-the-box and explore new horizons. As they say, variety is the spice of life, and having a diverse group of friends will most certainly give you different perspectives on life.
So, the next time you’re out, take a chance and put yourself out there. You never know, the next person you met may be just what you need to spice up your life!
Kathy Cobb / www.kathycobb.info is the founder of Gabbin’ With The Girls – Connecting Today’s 21st Century Women.
GWG is a global organization that believes that life is not only about achieving goals, but also about developing friendships that inspire, empower, and encourage women to “Rise Up” to reach their full potential.
Kathy is passionate about connecting women to their divine design and the gift of friendship through teaching, public speaking, and mentoring.
GWG-Gabbin’ With The Girls
Empowering Women Into Greatness
Through Inspiration and Encouragement
Luci Lovelady
Posted at 23:34h, 19 MarchKathy Cobb, thank you for all you do to bring friendships between women around the globe. I so admire you.