22 Oct Trust by Carol Storey
I’ve been going through some trials these last few months and I’m here to tell you that this word has had a huge impact on my life. Trusting does not come easy and most times I am totally out of my comfort zone when it comes to trusting….whether it is trusting God with his plan for me (can you just write it on the wall please, and hurry up), or trusting the process of waiting, or trusting my instincts to make the right choices, or trusting that my income will remain the same and be on time in my bank, or trusting that my health will be good, or how about the security of a job, or trusting that I’ll pass that test I’ve studied so hard for, or trusting that my car will crank when I turn the key, or trusting my friend to follow through with what they say ……. You get the idea. We have to trust, every day that we breathe, that life will continue to be okay.
Since I’ve gone through these months of trials and heartache, I’ve asked God for a word to help me get through this season of my life. Not that my life isn’t fair, not that I can’t withstand the trials, but some encouragement to help me get through this time with hope of something better. I don’t want to do a knee-jerk and turn my back on what could be a blessing. (I almost did but I’m thankful I heard God say, “WAIT”). I want to listen to God’s quiet voice and make the right decisions.
I was in Cracker Barrel on New Year’s Day to get my GREENS AND BEANS (got to eat them on New Year’s Day – according to my Mom, lol) so I can follow in the custom of prosperity. Well, I had about 45 minutes to wait on a table for one. (Have you ever tried to look at everything in their store in 45 minutes? You think it’s going to take forever— not — I wasn’t finished looking).
But, God gave me a wink as I approached a basket on top of the shelf. It contained some rocks painted white with words on them. The first one I chose had the word trust on it. (Can you believe that!!!!!) All the other rocks had Mr. and Mrs on them. Yes, I kept it and it is on my table where I look at it every day as a reminder that I need to trust God more to accomplish his will in my life.
So, my word this year is T R U S T ….. I can do this. How about you?
Can you trust more and worry less? What is holding you back from trusting? It’s not easy to trust but I believe we can all trust that all things will work out in the end.
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