21 Oct Today is the first day of the rest of your life by Carol Storey
I’ve always heard people say, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” Do you believe that statement? When I was young, I had a hard time understanding the concept of it. I made a lot of wrong decisions, unwise choices, and plenty of mistakes in my journey of life, in relationships, in my understanding of God’s love for me.
As I’ve gotten older my understanding has become clearer and I don’t make as many mistakes but I’m still not perfect. None of us are.
Don’t let your yesterday’s mistakes define who you can be today. Be the best you can be today and that may not be the best you can become in the future. Life is a marathon not a sprint. … Built on your knowledge and understanding as each day passes. In the shadows of trials and challenges remember to Breathe (be kind to you, be still and feel the wind) because ‘it came to pass’.
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