06 Feb The Right Time To Lean In by Kathy Cobb
When I first got saved my life line scripture was from Proverbs 3:5-6. (Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all ways acknowledge him, and he will make your path straight.) At that time in my life, I needed guidance to keep me from making unhealthy decision in dating relationships. As I learned to “lean” into the voice of God, I began to receive God wisdom and the gift of discernment began to develop in me. With God’s counsel, I learned to walk a straight path and to make healthier choices in my relationships. This path, which was a learning path, with ups and downs, eventually lead me to my husband Gordon.
If you find yourself struggling in a relationship or you are seeking to develop healthy life giving relationships, set your heart toward Proverbs 3:5-6. Leaning into God and his understanding will make your crooked path straight and your relationships will be happier for it!
#GodsLove #HealthyRelationships Kathy Cobb
Kathy Cobb / www.kathycobb.info is the founder of Gabbin With The Girls Connecting Today’s 21st Century WomenTM, a global friendship organization that encourages women to live a Victorious life. Kathy is passionate about inspiring women to Awaken The Sleeping Beauty Within through writing, teaching, public speaking and mentoring.
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