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THE GIFT by Gayle McKine -
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THE GIFT by Gayle McKine

THE GIFT by Gayle McKine

Dearest Sisters,

I am forever reminded that we as ladies of faith have a good good Father. We were tapped on the shoulder by a vessel of faith, who shared their faith, we accepted and believed the Word of Faith, and with an open heart received the faith; The Word of God who is our Faith, who is a person, and His name is; Jesus the Christ, our Redeemer, our Salvation, all the Love, and every gift of the Holy Spirit abiding in us; Emmanuel. All we were seeking, within reach, free to us, to anyone who would accept and believe. The only bridge back to righteous relationship with our Holy Father who gave all access through the greatest gift, EVER!!! Lord we thank you for the person who introduced us to, LOVE.

Now as we’ve started to partner with our Lord, in this life most ordinary; We begin the transformational life, the no limits life, the I can do all things through Christ kind of life; now this, dear sisters is the Extra, the More, everyone seeks but can only be found in Him. And so for us believers, the scriptures must become real, we must be ravenous, greedy gluttons, and then share the bread, we have to intentionally choose to digest, ingest, be captivated by the Word of God, so much until, no others words hold any power have any room to intrude on our faith, till others words are only accepted, and received, once filtered through this Word of God now written within. We have begun a mystery dance, an exciting adventure into the Son, the Father, the Holy Spirit, our impetus, the fire flaming, the Jesus in us, an avid Revelatory force! We long for the supernatural, the miracles, the amazing, so then, Let’s begin there, let’s jump off the cliff and swan dive into the arms of the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords! There will be dips, turns, smooth sailing, crash landings, and learning curves because our old thought life will attempt to beckon us, But God, and Jesus our intercessor, the Holy Spirit our Helper will keep us, and we’ll not be dissuaded because our roots are growing, digging deeper, we are capturing, retaining, remembering and speaking who we are in Jesus.

We pray and open the Book of Life and it reaches out and grabs our hear, its power speaks peace to our souls, and we repeat and rewind the Word til it is our progressive love language, and so by faith and grace we are walking, sharing, giving, the Love gift. For unto us a child is born; given, we gladly open up the present The Gift, which keeps on giving for it is the very essence of God’s heart Who gave us the gift of Love. Now as we enjoy this Christmas Season, we love God, we worship Him, and sing songs, we delight in our homes and family, so grateful for all He has generously empowered us to have, counting our blessings; and we who know we are made like Him determine to give back to family and friends, and to find one place lacking that calls to us; there we determine to make an impact. Such as we have, we joyfully give … That is the true Christmas Spirit, it lives in us every day; and as we enter the new year, we will continue to be just like Him. Yes, we have a good good Father.

With Love Happy Birthday JESUS!!!  …     🌻


Gayle McKine – Looking for spiritual nuggets to help you grow in life? Need a WOW Word from God? Developing amazing friendships and a deeper relationship with God is all part of the Grace Girls experience! To learn more about Grace Girls, contact Gayle at


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