21 May So Grateful God is Listening! by Gayle McKine
Dear Sisters, I am so grateful God is Listening!
Here is the perfect invitation. We who are born of the Son, have access to our Holy Father, who loves us without measure, who sees, acknowledges, and affirms the person He has called us to be. He has equipped us with everything we need to succeed victoriously, and has even promised to be, faith for us! This is a recipe for God’s Success, He has made it so easy … First connect with Him through the way, the truth and the life; the only way to the Father, receiving the precious gift of
Jesus Christ the Son!
Second, when we are born again, the Spirit of God takes us right out of ourselves, our experiences, and places our identity right in the center of the Son! Reborn, I become one with Jesus Christ, now my mind, will, and emotions, must come under the authority of the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, as I renew my mind. But How? I must determine, choose to work out my souls salvation with fear and trembling. Sounds scary? But; Don’t panic, remember God is being faith for us, we rest in Him, as He abides in you and I, Being Light as we daily digest the Light!
So, number three and this is very, very important, Don’t deny Your Heavenly
Papa, your presence, seek Him and find Him!!! He longs to embrace you, love on you, reveal Himself to you, that you may know Him and yourself with greater clarity, and know the path laid before you, step by step. You cannot depend on past experiences, God has fresh manna, we can’t survive on stale day old bread! Grab on, and hold tight to the most impactful words the enemy wants to hide.
You Are Your Father’s Daughter! You have a supernatural royal inheritance, you are the substance of God Himself, He created you, gave you authority to go forth in His name, purposed you, provided gifts and talents for His vision, and you are His glorious light in the earth. You Shine so bright people have to put 😎sunglasses on. 😆.
Seriously, you have the spirit of God abiding in you, so that when you open The Holy Instruction Book, He speaks to your spirit specifically, a revelation word whispered to His precious daughter. And when you pray His Word, His spirit takes over and gives you what’s needed in every circumstance, you have the wisdom, courage, boldness, and sweet gentleness of the Lion of Judah, who goes before you. He uses you to speak life to others as you allow Him, as you let go; Let Go …
You are hope, peace, uplifting J O Y in a dry and desert land. You determine to take the time daily and feast with your Papa, as He prepares you to be poured out living water, bread for the hungry, light in the darkness, a new song for the sorrowful, a fresh fragrance in the putrid air calling out to weary hearts. We are thankful for receiving Our Lord Jesus Christ, our salvation, our bridge back to the garden, for the Holy Spirit living within our hearts that connects us to the voice of Our Father the True and Living God! So thankful for the supreme opportunity to pray, to commune, to Listen, Trust, and Obey His Voice, to Know God more …
So grateful God is Listening … 🌻
Gayle McKine – Looking for spiritual nuggets to help you grow in life? Need a WOW Word from God? Developing amazing friendships and a deeper relationship with God is all part of the Grace Girls experience! To learn more about Grace Girls, contact Gayle at ctristie@gmail.com.
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