24 Apr Restore You! by Kathy Cobb | Monday Morning Inspiration
Have you ever thought you might need a personal revival? Every one of us needs to set aside time to reflect, reboot and recover from the grind of everyday living.
When you ignore to Restore it produces an Emotional, Spiritual and Physical Bankrupt You! With a busy life it may seem impossible for you to carve time out.
My suggestion, start with baby steps. Set aside five minutes to reflect by stepping outside to clear your head. Once outside begin to reflect with God and let him do the rest. Five minutes with God will make a happier you!
#GettingReal with Kathy Cobb
Kathy Cobb / www.kathycobb.info is the founder of Gabbin With The GirlsConnecting Today’s 21st Century WomenTM, a global friendship organization that encourages women to live a Victorious life. Kathy is passionate about inspiring women to Awaken The Sleeping Beauty Within through writing, teaching, public speaking and mentoring.
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