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Relearning the Basics of Dating by Hannah Thompson - Gabbin' With The Girls | GWG - Empowering Women Into Greatness
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Relearning the Basics of Dating by Hannah Thompson

Relearning the Basics of Dating by Hannah Thompson

With each passing generation, a common question asked is how relationships become so hard. But it’s always been hard; it’s just been hard relative to the time at hand. Today we are dealing with a world of dating revolved around technology. There are so many “rules” and “what to and not to do’s” with dating that it is simply exhausting to even begin thinking about the prospect of trying to date. Where do morals and consciousness, and the concept of self-preservation collide in a more intentional dating scene? It seems there is very little balance in the dating scene today, resulting in a huge communication barrier. The only commonality that is now breaking that barrier is technology. Whether it be a dating app, Instagram, Facebook or texting, there is little face to face interaction at the start of a relationship. This opens up an entirely different type of communication; one that relies on word rather than action in proving who someone is. So what if one discovers that another person isn’t what they want? How then do you properly communicate to someone, that for whatever reason, they are not what you want in a partner? I have always been very cautious of other people’s feelings, and I know I am not the only one who has this in mind when it comes to dating. It always seems that inevitably someone gets hurt, either you or them. This is where morality and consciousness come into play. BE HONEST! Even if it is a challenging and uncomfortable conversation to have, have it! Break the communication barrier, be opaque in your intentions, and be intentional with your pursuit. Do not date for the sake of dating because it is comfortable and it “feels good” to be wanted. I have heard stories from both male and female perspectives, that most often honesty is something lacking in a relationship. Morally it is wrong to hurt someone. So, often times what needs to be said is not said at all to save someone from hurt feelings. But that is the risk we all take when we open up and make ourselves vulnerable to another person. This is why I believe it is important to be in the right place to date. An aspect of dating that is so often overlooked is self-health. I am not talking about merely going to the gym and eating healthy to have that ultimate spring break body. There are many aspects of health, including mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health. To be in tuned with all of these facets of health is to be a more self-aware individual and therefore more available to be dated. When you know who you are and what you want, you can go out and date efficiently and with clear intentions. In doing this you are more aware of what you need out of a relationship, but also what you bring to the table as well, leading to a better sense of self worth. No one should settle, whether it be out of convenience or not having the heart to be honest. So, start with something you can control. YOU! Become the best version of yourself and never stop pursuing that.

Hannah Thompson

Hannah is an Exercise Physiologist, BS in Exercise and Kinesiology from GA State University. She loves living life and the random happenstances that go along with it. Hannah wants to live a life encouraging others and living a life that’s more than just about me. God, family, friends, a good bonfire and great conversations are some of the small things that make life great.


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