28 Jan Positive Affirmations Unlock Your Potential by Kathy Cobb
Positive affirmations count, and for many of us, praying for our own needs can sometimes feel selfish. But in reality, it’s an essential practice, one that allows us to become the best versions of ourselves. Wanting to be our best is not only acceptable but also a way of honoring God’s divine purpose for our lives. He designed each one of us for success and accomplishment.
Let’s ponder this for a moment. If God has purposed us for success and accomplishment, doesn’t it make sense that we should actively seek to be our very best? After all, God’s plan for us includes living a fulfilling and purposeful life. It’s about realizing our potential and making the most of the gifts and talents He’s bestowed upon us.
One way you may be holding yourself back is by having an “I can’t attitude.” Speaking negative words into your heart is toxic to your success in life. My suggestion for 2024 is to learn to speak positive affirmation into your spirit.
Now, here’s a crucial point to consider. Instead of dwelling on self-doubt, let’s make 2024 a year of positive affirmations. Words have incredible power. They can shape our thoughts, influence our actions, and ultimately determine our destiny.
So, my dear friends, as we step into this new year, let’s embrace the potential for positive change. God has purposed you for greatness, and it’s your responsibility to take action. Replace the “I can’t” with “I can.” Replace self-doubt with self-belief. As you do, with positive affirmations you will unlock the doors to a future filled with accomplishments and blessings. Taking positive action and speaking those affirmations will turn your dreams into reality!
Kathy Cobb / www.kathycobb.info is the founder of Gabbin With The Girls Connecting Today’s 21st Century WomenTM, a global friendship organization that encourages women to live a Victorious life. Kathy is passionate about inspiring women to Awaken The Sleeping Beauty Within through writing, teaching, public speaking and mentoring.
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