13 Jan Using Focus Words by Sandra Chambers
I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways (Ps. 119:15 ESV) While meditation is a tenant of Eastern religions, Christianity also embraces the practice. The difference is...
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I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways (Ps. 119:15 ESV) While meditation is a tenant of Eastern religions, Christianity also embraces the practice. The difference is...
Lena was among the most vulnerable children in her community. She had been abandoned by her parents at age 8 and taken in by a man who promised to care...
Seek God for wisdom and insight. By doing so, he will teach you how to be strong during those difficult periods of life when you are caught off guard! Kathy Cobb...
Investing in the lives of others is all part of our walk as a woman of God. As an individual, wife, mother and friend it is important to me to...