05 Feb Laughter is a Healing Gift from God | Monday Morning Inspiration
Laughter is a healing gift from God. So learn to activate it by making it a point to find ways to laugh. It gives your body a boost of happiness...
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Laughter is a healing gift from God. So learn to activate it by making it a point to find ways to laugh. It gives your body a boost of happiness...
Sometimes when we are straying from our goals, we need a little reminder and push. Where you are weak, Call It Out and then tell yourself, I Can and I...
The greatest gift you can give to others is yourself – a person who celebrates who they are by walking out their true divine design in God! Kathy Cobb...
Some years back I caught the end of a show called “DOC” on TV. You may remember that show. Besides the fact that Billy Ray Cyrus was sooo cute and...