02 Dec Will She Ever Shut Up? | Monday Morning Inspiration
If you love to talk it takes real discipline to listen. It is a fact that women love to “share” their life experiences with one another and talk over each other. Once we get going, it’s hard to stop the momentum. So how do we listen better? First, we need to admit we do it! Then put together a strategy that works best for you.
As crazy as it sounds, I sit on my hands to help me. Another friend crosses her fingers and when it’s her turn she shares. One friend told me she constantly reminds herself to Shut Up!
Learning to listen to others is a pay forward gift. You bless the one listening and in return you can learn a lot about life.
And when it’s your turn – Chat Away!!
#GodsGirls #HeartToHeartwithKathyCobb
Kathy Cobb / www.kathycobb.info is the founder of Gabbin With The Girls Connecting Today’s 21st Century WomenTM, a global friendship organization that encourages women to live a Victorious life. Kathy is passionate about inspiring women to Awaken The Sleeping Beauty Within through writing, teaching, public speaking and mentoring.
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