18 Jan Outside Influences by Kathy Cobb | Monday Inspiration
Sometimes it is our own fault but most of the times it’s outside influences. Hurting hearts, broken dreams, physical setbacks, loss of loved one and unemployment can paralyze us.
It is in those moments, we need to reach out and lend a helping hand. Be that friend today!
GWG-Gabbin’ With The Girls Empowering Women Into Greatness Through Inspiration and Encouragement
Kathy Cobb / www.kathycobb.info is the founder of Gabbin With The Girls Connecting Today’s 21st Century WomenTM is a global organization that believes that life is not only about achieving goals, it is about developing friendships that inspire, empower and encourage women to “Rise Up” to reach their full potential.
Kathy is passionate about connecting women to their divine design and the gift of friendship through teaching, public speaking and mentoring.
English meaning
Posted at 13:40h, 27 SeptemberThese outside influences include other people as well as the media–or what you listen to, read and watch. The outside influences you let into your life can either build up your self-esteem or tear it down.
Thank you Kathy Cobb.