14 Jan Make This Your Year of Abundance by De Harris
There are many who believe that only select groups of special people are able to live a life that is happy, satisfying and abundant. A life meant only for a certain few who have somehow figured it all out but are keeping their lips tightly sealed while the rest us try to make sense out of it all. It really is possible for you to live abundantly. You can be confident in knowing that with a bit of tweaks here and there your life and business can flourish and become all you ever imagined. Though your life may not be at its ultimate high right now, making the change toward abundance requires that you change your outlook and how you approach life’s challenges. Really all it means is that you are in a great position to see the miracles God can manifest in your life. There are times in everyone’s life that can feel like a never-ending roller coaster full of ups and downs but take heart and be encouraged because even as you manage your family responsibilities, your demanding career or business you can also enjoy the fruits of life. Change can seem scary but in order to ensure your life is all it can be, you must start the process of making positive strategic changes that will help you live a life of fulfillment and abundance. Start the process by being honest about where you actually are in your life and picture exactly where you wish to be. Then remember the following tips so you can live a life that is fulfilling, happy and abundant.
Get the right mindset
In order to live abundantly you must have a mindset that sets you up for success. I can think of no better way to do this than to start each day immersed the God’s word. You will be amazed at just how quiet time with our Father can, not only strengthen your relationship with Him, but also strengthen your heart and mind as you prepare to meet the challenges of the day. I like to this early in the morning before my family wakes up. The quietness of the wee hours of the morning seem sacred and are always special. When I honor our Lord in this way, I am always refreshed and ready to face the world with a dazzling smile! (Sorry, I just could not resist) But in all seriousness, I can tell you that those days when I oversleep or miss out on quiet time with Jesus, I certainly feel off kilter for the entire day. I have learned from experience that things fall into place when starting my day in this manner is a top priority. You will benefit from this too and will soon begin to see all the blessings that unfold and are already in place in your life.
Know what you want and break it down
Whatever your aspirations include, make sure that you ALWAYS chunk them down into bite size pieces. Life has a way of pulling us in about 100 different directions and as a result, it becomes difficult at times to always keep the promises we make to ourselves. I find that instead of setting a goal of losing 10 pounds a priority, I have much better luck if I just decide to eat smaller and more nutritional meals throughout the day. In other words, I become more mindful of my actions and decisions that support me meeting those larger goals without the feeling of having to climb such a large mountain. By taking a one-day at a time approach, I find I’m less stressed and can accomplish what I desire in an easier manner. This approach is very helpful in business too. If your goal is to double your client base then you can accomplish this by outlining the steps needed to meet this goal and then taking each one on, one by one. Doing so keeps you from being overwhelmed as you move closer to those triumphs that bring you to your ultimate goal. When you make small goals in life, you soon realize how they work together to help you reach your goal of living a life of abundance.
Stop and smell the roses as you take time to enjoy the people around you
Balance in life and business is key and if you expect to live a more abundant life and is one concept you must enthusiastically grasp if you expect change to come about in your life. The plain truth is that working too hard will not give you a life of abundance because you will always be in a never-ending cycle because the work is always replaced with even more to do. Do not allow yourself to be caught up in a life of tasks and must do’s. If you truly want a life of abundance, you will have to stop and smell the roses. You will have to take notice of what is going on in order to appreciate it. It will be important for you to remember to take well-intentioned breaks between your feverish work cycles because the truth is that there are other things in life besides work and money. When you feed into your relationships and make them a priority, you provide yourself a sense of freedom and are able to focus on your career or business without those ever-nagging thoughts of guilt and the long list of unmet intentions. Many workaholics forget to plan time for their families, friends and significant other at the detriment of their personal lives. Make sure those around you know just how special they are to you. Spend quality time with them and show them you care by what you do rather than what you can buy.
Focus on your health and well being
When stress takes over life can seem a bit overwhelming. Sometimes all you need to do to relieve your anxiety is to read the cues from your body and respond accordingly. Whether the remedy is exercise or simply just going to sleep, doing things to help you relax will allow you to appreciate all that life has to offer. Good health requires that you visit the doctor and dentist on a regular basis. This may sound basic but you would not believe how many of us women focus on the health of the family as we neglect our own health needs. I do not believe that God wanted us to live in this way. He truly wants us to be all we can be. You must remember to access all the resources available to you and search out those that may not be immediately visible. Make a commitment to keep your mind, body and spirit in tiptop shape. Removing all the stressors in life will be a constant struggle but you can minimize them by setting appropriate boundaries. Good mental and physical health is all part of an abundant life. Be mindful how you take care of yours.
Living a life of abundance does not require you to have all the money in the world but to remember that no matter what is going on in your life it is up to you to keep your mind, body and spirit happy. Meeting your goals is just a matter of knowing what to do, and when to execute your plan. What I have shared with you mainly requires that you to become an active participant in your life and that you are grateful for all of what your life has given you. If you are serious about having it all then you must be fully engaged in what is going on in your life. How else can you know your life is abundant unless you stop and take notice? Whether you are a career professional or a business owner it is crucial that you are mindful of balancing out your never-ending responsibilities with your own personal needs. You are too precious of a gift to deny others the benefit of your time and attention. Stop and take care of your mind, body and soul as you give thanks for all that you have. This is how you experience true abundance in life and in business.
De Harris
As the founder of AllBiz Web, a strategic business marketing firm specializing in Custom Websites, Blogs, Social Media Mgmt & Web Education, De has over 22+ years of expertise as a manager, business owner, and personal & business development coach. Always ready to help, De is passionately dedicated to keeping the web challenged expert in the know by offering solid networking connections and support through educational opportunities from seasoned professionals located around the world.
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Email: DeHarris@AllBizWeb.com
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