30 Jul Inspired Everyday – Sainthood by Gayle McKine
The Basis for Sainthood – Lesson 1 (Discovering Your I.D)
Part I(a) By Dr. Charles Stanley
The Bible says those who accept Jesus Christ as Savior are saints.
We choose to believe the Bible or not. Do you believe you are a saint?
Being a saint is not based on the following:
Feelings = Transitory, unpredictable, highs & lows, unruly,
They come and go, happenstance. Our understanding = How many of us can fully say we understand what it means to be a Christ follower? To explain the mysteries of why God chose us, extended love, grace, forgiveness by sacrificing His only Son.
A finite mind can never fully comprehend the infinite ways of God.
What others say = May say Oh you are a real saint, meaning you are kind, generous, helpful. But biblically, we are not saints based on good works, abundant giving, or kind gestures. Sainthood is bestowed upon those who believe in Jesus Christ, based on what He has done.
Opinions of others are irrelevant and of no consequence. It is a matter of the heart, and God sees the heart believer/nonbeliever.
So, what are the requirements? A person accepts-receives, believes, and personally embraces – the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the cross. Our relationship with Jesus Christ is the qualifier of sainthood. Nothing else is required. We cannot earn it. It is a gift of faith & love, received by an open and willing heart. This is only the beginning, once you know who you are, how do you live it out? What do saints do???
Don’t rely on others to give you self-worth, nor define you. God defines.
Kathy Cobb
Posted at 16:46h, 03 FebruaryLove your inspirational message!