27 May I Want To Soar Like An Eagle by Sandra Chambers
My husband and I once asked each other what we wanted to come back as if we had a choice. (Disclosure—we don’t really believe in reincarnation!)I immediately said, “An eagle!” He said, “A bear!” Our logic—he would be able to catch lots of salmon to eat on the banks of rivers. Me—I love to travel and I love high vistas, and an eagle represents a sort of wild freedom and strength to fly high above everything life might throw at me.
Lately, I’ve been struggling with some real and some imagined issues that come with aging. My body isn’t as strong as it used to be. I’ve developed pains and physical issues and sometimes I focus too much on these instead of trusting God to meet me in whatever situation I face.
I was reading about eagles recently and discovered that they are the only birds that love the storm. When all other birds try to flee from the storm and hide from the fierceness of it, eagles fly right into it. They use the wind of the storm to rise higher and glide without using their own energy. They are able to do this because God has created the eagle with theunique ability to lock their wings in a fixed position.
Yesterday morning I was reading one of my favorite verses from Isaiah 40:31:
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”
Later that morning, I had a dentist appointment. As I sat in the chair facing a large picture window waiting for the dentist to come in, I saw a huge bird with a large wingspan catching the current and gliding effortlessly back and forth. Although we don’t see eagles where I live on the coast, symbolically to me it was an eagle! It reminded me that it is possible to catch the wind of the Spirit, lock my wings in a fixed position of faith and soar—not in my own strength but in His!
Sandra has a passionate desire to help Christians develop a purposeful, powerful and passionate prayer life. Her book, LORD, IT’S BORING IN MY PRAYER CLOSET (How To Revitalize Your Prayer Life) is available at Amazon and on Kindle. It’s a great personal read or can be used for a small group study on prayer. Check out Sandra’s blog at PrayerWaves.com.
She also teaches an online class on prayer at Beadisciple.com.
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