20 Aug He Is Your Everything by Harriette Davis
I pray that you will let Christ be everything to you every day.
He is my life give
My every breath |
He is my insight into why
My true acceptance |
My whisper of peace
My needed rest |
My hand for reaching others
My simple voice |
He is my joy in the morning
My gentle laughter |
He is my heart mender
My reason to live |
My worship leader
My completed song |
My dream giver and fulfiller
My pace setter and sustainer |
He is my everyday path
My safe direction |
He is my eternal hope
My heavenly home |
He is my Father and my GodMy all sufficient everything | |
Come and listen, all you who fear God, and I will tell you what He did for me. | |
Psalm 66:16 (NLT) |
God bless each of you.
In His Service, Harriette Davis
Harriette Davis is a native of Marietta, Ga. She is an educator- 15 yrs with World Book Encyclopedia teaching for the mind and has spent 25 yrs with Christian Bookstores teaching for the heart. Scripture from NLT All Rights Reserved.
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