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Each Wave Brings a New Promise by Sandra Chambers - Gabbin' With The Girls | GWG - Empowering Women Into Greatness
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Each Wave Brings a New Promise by Sandra Chambers

Each Wave Brings a New Promise by Sandra Chambers

I’m finally at the beach! On vacation! For a week!

This morning, as I walked along the ocean’s edge shortly after sunrise, the tide washed ashore in little inlets, reflecting the ever-changing clouds. There were white fluffy clouds foreshadowing a day full of sunshine, but there were also billows of dark, ominous clouds threatening to overtake the promise of a sun-filled day.

Only a few fellow walkers were out this early in the morning. I passed a lady carrying a small net bag, which she appeared to use to collect shells. We exchanged greetings and then she frowned and said, “Not many good shells today,” and kept walking in the opposite direction.

As I thought about her comment and the ominous dark clouds, I was tempted to accept the fact that it was going to be a less than perfect beach day. No good shells to be found and most likely rain on the horizon. But then I had an amazing revelation:


That nay-saying shell collector might just miss a beautiful shell that the next wave washes ashore!

The same is true of life. If we listen to negative reports or trust only in our immediate circumstances, we may miss what God has planned for us — a beautiful day filled with faith and trust and thanksgiving. As I continued my walk I thought to myself — this lesson will make a good blog for PrayWaves, and then I dared to pray a little prayer.

“Lord, help me find a beautiful shell to illustrate this lesson.”

It was true, most of the shells were broken and in pieces, but then the toe of my shoe unearthed something and as I bent down to uncover it, I discovered a beautiful type of shell that I have never found on any of our local beaches. “Thank you, Lord, I whispered. You have just confirmed that it was you speaking to me this morning.”

YOU CONSTANTLY OFFER WAVES OF GRACE, BEAUTY, PEACE AND UNENDING POSSIBILITIES. We only need to trust you and look beyond the dark clouds and naysayers.

(And by the way, the white puffy clouds and sun drove away the dark clouds and the sun is shining brightly)


Sandra Chambers

Sandra has a passionate desire to help Christians develop a purposeful, powerful and passionate prayer life. Her book, LORD, IT’S BORING IN MY PRAYER CLOSET (How To Revitalize Your Prayer Life) is available at Amazon and on Kindle. It’s a great personal read or can be used for a small group study on prayer. Check out Sandra’s blog at

She also teaches an online class on prayer at 

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