03 Oct Driving with UBER by Barbara Hall
UBER – pronounced [oober] to mean a better version of something… the dictionary defines it as: “being a superlative example of its kind or class”. The word is borrowed directly from German, in which it means “over or beyond, from the Old High German bar.” There is a possibility it actually could mean “Urban Business Executive Ride”.
When I first heard about UBER it was plastered everywhere in the “Employment Want Ads”…. I was intrigued, but never expected that I would one day be an UBER driver!! When I moved to Tennessee from Washington, DC, the job opportunities and hourly wage were not favorable for me. Since I like to drive, a friend convinced me to give Rideshare a try!! I applied for both UBER and LYFT…. UBER became my favorite … so I consider myself an “UBER driver”. I am an entrepreneur…Uber is a technology platform, connecting driver-partners and riders through an iPhone or smartphone app. All rides are prepaid through the “riders app” with their credit card. I receive a deposit into my bank account each week for the total fares, minus commission, and fees are taken out by UBER.
Through my experience of approximately 2 ½ years of driving in the Nashville area, I have met some very interesting people. No one in my vehicle has ever been aggressive …. quiet maybe, snobby at times… can be moody…. I have found most people are friendly and eager to have a conversation. My car holds up to 4 riders, the majority of rides are individuals coming into Nashville for business, vacation, celebrations… Nashville Natives are rare these days.
Nashville is known as “The Bachelorette Capitol of the United States” hundreds of young women are everywhere on the weekends riding Pedal Bars… Honky-Tonk Bus’, dancing, singing, and drinking, along with many other “tourists from around the world.
My vehicle is Blue – a Ministry on wheels – I have prayed for so many that pour out their stories… from having a bad day to being diagnosed with a disease…. on the way to a job interview… or just life in general…. so many needs; the caring voice of the Holy Spirit in prayer lifts their spirits and easies their anxieties. I talk about Jesus, to believers and nonbelievers…. many different personalities and cultural backgrounds.
The most interesting rider I met was a Psychologist who was blind and extremely knowledgeable on many topics. However, most amazing it turned out that he is the U.S. Champion Blind Golfer and was excited about his life and that he would be competing in Italy for the International World Blind Championship.
The most uncomfortable ride was with a man that was traveling 3 hours north to Louisville, KY, and only spoke Spanish. More than halfway on the ride he handed me his phone that said: “this is a very long ride without talking”! It broke the ice when I realized we could have some communication by speaking on the phone and it translates from English to Spanish and vice versa.
Wonder now, how we could get around without Uber/Lyft for transporting…. it’s an amazing concept…a creative genius of technology.
What do I love about Ubering? First, it’s the flexibility… I can drive when I want…. my own schedule. Meeting people and learning something new every time someone enters my vehicle.
Barbara Baker Hall has always had the desire to dance; she has been dancing through life and learning to dance in the rain…. she Is a praise and worship dancer and desires to draw others into the Presence of the Lord. Her passion is to prepare the Bride for her coming Glorious King. To transform and enhance lives by encouraging the development of artistic expression and a deeper intimacy with Jesus.
Contact Information
FB: facebook.com/barbara.b.hall.3
email: babh7@yahoo.com
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