17 Sep Dancing with Destiny by Barbara Hall
Do you realize your life is not a mistake? God has ambushed you. It starts with God’s dream for you. Everything starts with a dream. Creation started with a dream. And because we are created in the image of our Father, we are called to be creative dreamers.
We have learned to value comfort and security, because of our fear and our smallness that we wind up seeking only what is safe. Turns out that what we consider security is really insecure and mediocre.
Life is to be an adventure… Dreaming is wild and fun
God wants us to take risks, to know the thrill and exhilaration of dreaming big.
Barbara Baker Hall has always had the desire to dance; she has been dancing through life and learning to dance in the rain…. she Is a praise and worship dancer and desires to draw others into the Presence of the Lord. Her passion is to prepare the Bride for her coming Glorious King. To transform and enhance lives by encouraging the development of artistic expression and a deeper intimacy with Jesus.
Contact Information
FB: facebook.com/barbara.b.hall.3
email: babh7@yahoo.com
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