17 Dec Christmas Memories Help Us to be Thankful by Sandra Chambers
In the Old Testament, God commanded that certain festivals and celebrations be held annually as a reminder of what He had done for His people. These celebrations were a vehicle to bring together the entire family, community and nation to celebrate God’s great mercy and to remember to be thankful for all He had done for them.
While God does not instruct us in how to celebrate Christmas, we can use whatever traditions we’ve embraced to help us remember God’s great deliverances in our lives and to be thankful for all our blessings.
Each year when I open my box of Christmas ornaments to decorate the tree, I discover so many memories connected to each ornament. I have ornaments from my wedding shower (a December wedding), ornaments from many of the places I’ve visited in my travels, a few left over from my childhood days, special ornaments marking baby’s 1st, 2nd, 3rd Christmas and even some homemade ornaments from my daughter that still grace the Christmas tree.
As I place the ornaments on the tree each year, it causes thankfulness to arise in my spirit—thankfulness for all the good years and memories I’ve been blessed to experience.
Other Christmas traditions can also lead us to thankfulness. If we enjoy writing an annual Christmas letter, we can reflect on and rejoice in all the memories and blessings God has given us this past year.
Participating in Advent activities as a family is another great opportunity to focus on what God has done for us and how He has changed our lives with the greatest Christmas gift of all—Jesus!
I love to bake galette cookies each Christmas. I use an authentic Belgium cookie iron (one that my grandfather owned) and my grandmother’s recipe because it reminds me of my grandparents and my heritage.
Whatever Christmas traditions you embrace, use them as opportunities to remember and thank God for all your blessings this past year.
Sandra has a passionate desire to help Christians develop a purposeful, powerful and passionate prayer life. Her book, LORD, IT’S BORING IN MY PRAYER CLOSET (How To Revitalize Your Prayer Life) is available at Amazon and on Kindle. It’s a great personal read or can be used for a small group study on prayer. Check out Sandra’s blog at PrayerWaves.com.
She also teaches an online class on prayer at Beadisciple.com.
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