03 Dec Bringing Christmas Memories Forward by Kathy Cobb
Over the last few years, I have found myself occasionally reflecting on Christmases past. Unlike the Mr. Scrooge in the movie A Christmas Carol, I have not been visited by ghosts, and unlike the Grinch, my heart has not needed a radical change to remember the true meaning of Christmas. As for movies, I am more along the lines of White Christmas and Its a Wonderful Life. It is true that I have a sentimental nature when it comes to the Christmas season but, most importantly, believe that Jesus is the reason for the season.
As a child, I was caught up in the beautiful story of baby Jesus in the manger wrapped in swaddling clothes. I imagined Mary and Joseph looking in awe of their baby boy and admiring the Wise Men from the East. I loved gazing up at the stars on Christmas Eve and thinking about what it must have been like in the days of Jesus birth. One of my most cherished memories was attending Christmas Eve service and singing Angels We Have Heard on High. When I sang, my heart soared with gladness. My favorite Christmas moments were not about the presents I was going to receive, but celebrating the meaning of family, hope and love.
Preparing for Christmas Day was always a special time. Dad and Mom would put on the Nat King Cole Christmas album, put the tree up in the stand, drag out the boxes of ornaments, and string those big red and green Christmas light bulbs. Mom always made sure those silver icicles on the tree looked just right. After our tree was decorated, we would stand in admiration of a job well done and declare that it was the prettiest tree ever! Then the magic would begin, and we would begin to see Santa and his elves around every corner and thoughts of sugar plums danced in our heads.
Even though Santa was part of the Christmas package, our family never once forgot the true meaning of Christmas and especially giving to others. Mom taught us that Christmas was more about others than ourselves. It was through the tradition of celebrating Christmas that I learned about the true meaning of giving gifts. Today, many people bash the real reason for celebrating Christmas, but for me I am thankful we have a day set a part to remember the gift named Jesus. Christmas is a day of hope, a day of new beginnings!
As part of the tradition of giving, I hope that you will find ways to reach out to those around you and share some Christmas cheer. You just never know when you might be an angel sent by God to bring a little joy to a life that needs a word of encouragement, a sense of peace or a new beginning!
Merry Christmas!
Kathy Cobb / www.kathycobb.info is the founder of Gabbin With The Girls Connecting Today’s 21st Century WomenTM, a global friendship organization that encourages women to live a Victorious life. Kathy is passionate about inspiring women to Awaken The Sleeping Beauty Within through writing, teaching, public speaking and mentoring.
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