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Why Are We Afraid? by Gayle McKine - Gabbin' With The Girls | GWG - Empowering Women Into Greatness
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Why Are We Afraid? by Gayle McKine

Why Are We Afraid? by Gayle McKine

Why are we afraid?  Stop Hiding. God wants us to shine.  I think I know, one reason, can be the “fear no problem encouraging and being “a light”.  It’s the pressure of eyes on you, of the expectations of others; and once you’re out there shining, drawing, attracting, it’s harder to navigate;  your energy level can be exhausted, you’re asking God to help you discern; the intentions, angles, motives; and authenticity of those we meet.  He answers and you allow Him to navigate the shark infested waters. Papa adds faithful friends along the way, we grow, we prosper.

As time passes, we hope, we don’t fall into the trap of believing the Hype, of caring more of what others think and say about us, than being true to God’s vision, and following His lead.  This can be a lonely road so Forget; Communing, and seeking Him first.  We don’t want the passion fire we have to get lost in the too do list, the schedules, obligations, agenda’s, etc.

What’s it all for, if God is not smack dab in the middle of it!!!  It’s His vision.  That’s what I realized when I got a text of encouragement, an invitation, from a friend.  We can remain in the familiar, the comfortable, or we take the leap, jump; knowing God is our air, our wings, our great adventure into the Known; unknown, we must trust Him, seek to please Him, by using whatever He’s given us.  Spend it wisely till there’s none, nothing left!

I have to write, create, sing, dance; lift up holy hands; to the One who formed me, and fashioned me for this purpose.  He Breathed words like fresh rainwater into my spirit, and I can’t hold back, I must pour out what is given, as I follow Jesus.

Creative people need HELP😆; we can be a little weird, peculiar even, yes we need the 23rd, 91st psalms, the Our Father Prayer, the whole Bible, our Source!He is our authenticity, we can’t borrow someone else’s word, or gift, it can encourage us, but our call is specific to us.  What is He saying to you!  Take the limits off of God!  Be Still and Know God, Dailey!   I am Gayle, not Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, or Joyce Meyer.  Each of Our stories, our testimonies unique to us, and someone needs our story!  So don’t fear, God will make your mess a message of healing.  Starting at Home Base and beyond as you allow Him, He will lead you down Victory Lane.💃🏾

We must be who He called us to be, He will call it good, He is Abba Father, our mentor, teacher, our Being…, rests in HIM.   The Lord is our shepherd, and in Him we lack nothing.  Faith-not fear- take the leap, JUMP!

🌻 Bloom.

Gayle McKine – Looking for spiritual nuggets to help you grow in life? Need a WOW Word from God? Developing amazing friendships and a deeper relationship with God is all part of the Grace Girls experience! To learn more about Grace Girls, contact Gayle at

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