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Be the First to Extend Hope by Kathy Cobb
Gabbin' provides resources and fun adventurous events that foster personal, business & spiritual growth so women can truly enjoy the benefits of friendship!
business women, friendship, relationships, Christian women, faith, belief, our lord and savior, women, family, daughters, happiness, motivation, inspiration, Monday morning inspiration with Kathy Cobb, Kathy Cobb founder, business, working woman, single mother, empty nester, widow, young woman of faith, faithful wife, mother and child, Mom, mother, working mom, work at home mom, business leader
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Be the First to Extend Hope by Kathy Cobb

Be the First to Extend Hope by Kathy Cobb

This morning I was reading about the ripple effect we have as women when we set our minds to a cause. As followers of Jesus, we are history makers. Our words and actions can change the dynamics of family, community, and nations. In Jesus, we are anointed to be the first to extend hope, love, and kindness in our area of influence. Let us be mindful not to be caught up in the world’s turmoil but to seek and follow the one who brings positive change in lives – Jesus!

When we choose to focus on Christ’s teachings and let His love guide our steps, we create ripples that extend far beyond what we can see. Each time we speak a kind word, lend a helping hand, or offer a prayer, we are planting seeds of hope that can grow into something far greater than we could imagine. The impact we have as women, especially when we align our actions with God’s will, is powerful and far-reaching.

It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the negativity and chaos in the world today. But as women of faith, we are called to be different. We are called to rise above the noise and be a beacon of hope and love in our homes, workplaces, and communities. By staying rooted in God’s word and seeking His guidance daily, we can maintain our focus on what truly matters—spreading His love and making a positive difference in the lives of others.

Remember, the ripple effect starts with just one drop. Your decision to act with kindness and compassion, even in the smallest of ways, can set off a chain reaction of blessings. As you go about your day, think of the ways you can extend hope and love to those around you. Whether it’s a simple smile, a word of encouragement, or a heartfelt prayer, your actions can transform lives and bring others closer to Christ.

So, let us embrace our roles as history makers, empowered by the Holy Spirit to spread hope and love wherever we go. Together, we can create a ripple effect that touches hearts, changes lives, and brings glory to God.



Kathy Cobb is the founder of Gabbin With The Girls Connecting Today’s 21st Century WomenTM, a global friendship organization that encourages women to live a Victorious life. Kathy is passionate about inspiring women to Awaken The Sleeping Beauty Within through writing, teaching, public speaking, and mentoring.





1 Comment
  • Bobbye I McNish
    Posted at 21:13h, 31 July

    This past February, I felt led by God to write a Christian children’s book that contains many Revelation references. This 66 year old grandma hadn’t planned on doing this, but I obediently followed God’s leading and it’s now available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Only God could have accomplished this in my life and downloaded a book that took about 8 hours to write. Your above article states you’re passionate in inspiring God’s gifts like writing in women. Praying you can help me in the next step of this journey by helping spread the message I believe God gave to me. The book is called, Forevermore. My website about it is I also believe God asks many of us to perform tasks for His purpose that we never would have thought possible. Even with times of feeling overwhelmed, this has been a joyful and amazing journey with my Lord.
    Bobbye McNish